Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New sewing project

Image DetailThis year for my 4-H sewing Project I selected  a simple sun dress pattern. I was in Joan's fabric store with my mom when chose I it. I saw an example for the dress on a mannequin in the store. To my surprise it was a pattern I had seen on-line about fifty times and hadn't ever noticed it. I chose a polyester to make the dress out of. The fabric has red and pink flowers on it. It also has earthy green stems coming out from under the flowers. I also plan to make a matching red jacket and make the sash on the dress red also. This year I want to put beading on the sash and hope to design a matching purse.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Baby Quilts

A new baby in our family is due to arrive in March!  What better gift than an handmade quilt made with love?  I made a flannel quilt with a jungle print and Arielle made another quilt from a kit with squares pre-cut.  She decided she likes making clothing more than quilts, but she persevered to the end and completed this colorful cotton quilt.  Now the baby will have a warm blankie when he first arrives, and then when summer comes, he will have the lighter weight quilt.

Christmas Gifts

We can now post pictures of all the Christmas surprises we were working on for months.  First of all, here are Liana's seals all finished and two of the little girls who love them.

I was working on a wedding quilt for my son and daughter-in-law.  It was not finished in time for their marriage in July, so it became a Christmas gift instead.  The design is Rail Fence and it is made of high quality quilting fabric.  I tried Warm and Natural cotton batting for the first time and was quite pleased with how easy it was to use.  Arielle and Liana helped choose the colors.