Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sister Sewing Day

One cold wintry day the three girls decided they would each make a purse.  Liana had made a tiny one earlier and she knew how to do it.  The rest of us tried to decipher the complicated directions, but in the end, the purses were not that difficult after some modifications.  Marissa got a lot of comments on hers.  Everyone wanted to know where she bought it!  Here is a more detailed view of Arielle's.


  1. I LOVE these purses! You guys all chose great fabrics. They all look so awesome!
    Cecilia :-)

  2. Thanks, Cecilia :)
    Deb, I love the pictures! Good choice.

  3. Hey Cecilia! Thanks! I wish you and your sisters could sew with us.

    ♥ Arielle
